Lets look at some scientific facts about smiling.
Research has shown that smiling can impact us on a subliminal level. When we listen to people speak, we are picking up on all sorts of cues, and unconsciously can interpret their mode. If you are listening on the phone, you can visualize and hear when that person is actually smiling.
We all have heard the saying "Laughter is the Best medicine". Lets take a look at how beneficial smiling is for your well-being and health.
a) Smiling releases endorphins - Researchers found that just forming or turning your mouth up, whether you feel like or not, can help release endorphins, which are Feel-Good hormornes. Serotonin, a chemical that is a natural stress reducer, is also increased when you smile.
b) Fight a Cold ! - You can actually stay well, cut down on sick days with a great Big Smile on your face. Everytime you show your teeth, your body is more relaxed and produces greater quantities of antibodies and T-Cells (or white blood cells). This helps in giving you a stronger immune system.
c) Smiling has Body Benefits - You use from 5 - 17 facial muscles when smiling, Adding a laugh helps to slim your mid section. The movement exercises your abs, diaphragm, shoulders and heart. You can actually boost your calorie burning by 20% by just laughing.
d) Its Easier to Smile Than Frown - Scientist found that your body works harder to frown and uses less facial muscles when you smile.
e) Longer Life Span when you Smile - Research has found that people who are happy and smile have a longer life expectancy than those who barely smile.
f) Beauty comes when smiling - University of Scotland did a study which concluded that people who were beaming and smiling, were found to be more attractive. In fact, 69 percent of particpants said that women look younger and more beautiful when they smiled rather than when they are wearing make-up !!
Although babies learn alot of behaviors and sounds from watching the people around them, scientist found that babies have the ability to smile as soon as they are born.
In the work force, smiling causes you to be more attractive, sociable and confident. Those who smile are most likely to get a promotion.
There is more to smiling than you know, but hopefully this quick article gave you a deeper insight of how infectious smiling can be....... Smiling is very much like Music. Its Universal ! It's known across the world as happiness and acceptance. Share a SMILE and Change the World. :-)
Do You Need Help with your SMILE ?? Are dental problems preventing you from Smiling ??
Here is an affordable solution: How to have healthy teeth and gums
Thanks for reading !! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful SMILES.
My recent video...and Yes I am Smiling !!